The Bell Fund periodically reviews the Fund’s application and funding policies and procedures. Effective May 2nd the following changes will be instituted.

Production/Low Budget

  1. These programs are being combined into one program. All applications will continue to be evaluated using the same grid.
  2. The Bell Fund will remove all budget caps and contribute up to 75% of the cost of the digital media component.
  3. All projects (regardless of budget) will be eligible to receive the Bell Fund matching bonus for any Canadian Broadcaster cash contribution to a maximum of $100,000.
  4. The TV licence fee top-up will only be granted to an eligible TV project where the application is submitted prior to the commencement of principal photography.

(With respect to clause 4, given exigencies of production, the Bell Fund will grandfather the current criteria for the May 2nd and July 15th deadlines.)

  1. All eligible seasons of a TV series will be entitled to receive the TV licence fee top-up.
  1. Broadcaster in-kind contributions will be capped at $20,000 for server, hosting and bandwidth costs. These are the only allowable costs that can be included in the budget and financing.
  1. The Bell Fund will require submission of the Digital Media project to the Fund for review, a minimum of 10 days prior to launch or submission to the App store.
  1. The Bell Fund will require a Producer Interim Report 90 days following the launch of the project.
  1. The Bell Fund will require a Broadcaster Interim Report 90 days following the launch of the project to coincide with the Producer Interim Report.


Performance Accelerator

  1. A digital media project will be eligible for upgrades and revisions, added content and the porting of existing digital media content to other platforms.


TV Development Online

  1. A Production Company may submit more than one project per year.
  2. The Bell Fund may permit the broadcasting of the pilot content at the same time as online testing occurs, provided the testing plan clearly demonstrates the benefit of both.


Programs (Closed)

The Bell Fund will no longer offer the following programs:

  • Online to OnTV
  • Legacy Development
  • Legacy Production

Should there be a project that previously fit the legacy program guidelines, consideration will be made under the production guidelines.