The Bell Fund hosts information sessions for producers and creators interested in applying to its Programs. There are two types of information sessions: Webinars and Application Clinics, each type has a different purpose, format, and intended audience.

Past Webinar and Application Clinic recordings are available year-round. You can find the recordings here.



In 60-minutes, Webinars provide an overview of the Bell Fund and introduce participants to a specific funding program. They are geared towards all prospective applicants (new and returning) who would like to determine if they meet eligibility criteria, learn about recent changes to the guidelines, and ask questions during the question and answer (Q&A) period at the end of the session. Webinar participation is encouraged but not required.

Upcoming Program Webinars

Slate Development Program Webinar January 23, 2025 – 2 PM ETWatch recording here
Programme de développement d'un ensemble de projets23 janvier 2025 - 10h HECaptation disponible ici
TV Program Webinar February 04, 2025 – 2 PM ETWatch recording here
Programme de production télé4 février 2025 - 10h HECaptation disponible ici
Short-Form Digital Series Production ProgramJune 2025Registration will open later in 2025.
Prog. production de séries numériques de format courtJuin 2025Les inscriptions ouvriront Printemps-Été 2025.


Webinars will be held on Zoom. When registration opens, a link to sign-up will become available next to the webinar’s date in the table above. Registered participants will receive a confirmation email.


Application clinics are 90-minute facilitated, virtual meetings for individuals that are ready to apply and would like support with their application. Clinics are open to groups of up to 25 applicants and provide a deep dive into application documentation, assessment criteria, and tips on how to prepare a competitive proposal. This format allows applicants to discuss specific questions about their application, and to interact with and learn from other producers and creators. Application clinic participation is encouraged but not required.

Clinics will be offered for the following programs:

  • Short-Form Digital Series
  • Slate Development (to be announced)

Application Clinic Registration Requirements

Prior to reserving a spot in an Application Clinic, you must:

  • review the Guidelines, Program Policies and Application Documentation for the applicable Program;
  • attend or watch the Webinar for the applicable Program;
  • determine that you meet eligibility criteria for the applicable Program;
  • intend to apply to the next deadline of the applicable Program; and
  • have secured or be in the process of securing the required Market Interest for your Project.

Upcoming Application Clinics

Slate Development Program - Option 1 (English)February 6, 2025 - 2 PM ET
Slate Development Program - Option 2 (English)February 20, 2025 - 2 PM ET
Développement d'un ensemble de projets (Français)Jeudi 6 février - 10h HE


  1. When registration opens, select a clinic date and a time in the calendar below.
    • If registration is not open, the calendar will indicate that no services are offered at that time.
    • If the date for a clinic has passed or a clinic is full, you won’t be able to select that date in the calendar.
  2. Fill out the registration form. All required fields must be filled out.
  3. Submit your booking request.
  4. Once your spot is booked, you will receive a confirmation email with instructions to join your clinic via Zoom Meetings.

If you wish to participate in an Application Clinic but the dates have passed or there are no spots left, please contact