Overview of the Bell Fund
To support Canadian media content makers in creating for and connecting with, audiences here and everywhere.
Since 1997 the Bell Fund has received over $300 million in financial contributions from Bell TV to support Canadian Independent Producers in the development and production of great Canadian content. In 2001 the Bell Fund was awarded an endowment of $10 million from Bell TV, as a result of a tangible benefits package. The revenues generated by this endowment are made available for development funding.
The Bell Fund is a not-for-profit organization. It has been certified by the CRTC as an independent production fund eligible to receive and administer contributions from broadcast distribution undertakings under section 29(2) of the Broadcasting Distribution Regulations.
The Fund is governed by a nine-member board operating at arm's length from Bell TV and has offices in Toronto and Montreal.
Guiding Principles
The Bell Fund is committed to supporting a more equitable, diverse, and inclusive industry across Canada. This means supporting
• Screen-based producers/creators who identify as Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour;
• Screen-based producers/creators from underrepresented groups including but not limited to lgbtq2s+ and persons with disabilities;
• Emerging, screen-based producers/creators and teams;
• Gender parity;
• Regional representation and OLMC communities.
Commencing in 2025, the Bell Fund has committed that it will allocate at least 10% of its total budget to an envelope dedicated to OLMC producers (in either official language) and producers from diverse communities (as defined by the CRTC). A minimum of 5% to OLMC and 5% to diverse communities.
The Bell Fund encourages all Applicants to respect the guiding principles and best practices set out in the On-Screen Protocols & Pathways Media Production Guide.
The Fund has offices in Toronto and Montreal.
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