Key art for the short-form series 'Womb Envy' streaming on OUTtv and AMI.

When a gay burnt-out party boy’s estranged straight small-town best friend shows up expecting him to play daddy to her pregnant belly, even a beautiful blind lover and fairy drag queen can’t stop the womb envy – an Mpreg romantic comedy.

Produced by Border2Border

Created by Toronto drag artist Champagna, written by Mark Keller, directed by Jake Horowitz, and produced by Charlie David.

Genres: Comedy, Romance

Streaming on AMI and OUTtv

Accessibility Note: Womb Envy was scripted, produced, and edited adhering to Integrated Described Video (IDV). This means the series is fully accessible to the blind or partially-sighted and can be enjoyed by watching the series, listening to the podcast or leapfrogging back and forth.
